Sunday, August 3, 2008

4th of July

This past 4th of July we traveled to Earlville to watch fireworks and have the kids play games & ride rides. Some of the games that the kids played were: ring toss (Maddux won 2 liters of pop) & a peg board game. The boys did a lot of jumping in a blow up jump tent and rode a train. We also went over to the local park to pass the time. Before the fireworks started the boys played with some sparklers. The night ended with the fireworks. The slideshow shows some of the pictures that were taken.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Got the Camper

We got the camper and have it at home. Learned how to set it up last night and we are looking forward to our first camping outing. The van pulled the camper really well.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Camping on 7/26/08

On Saturday July 26th Tiff, Maddux, Griffin & I along with Kurt, Shannon, & Susie Funke had our first camp out at Coffins Grove. Kurt & Shannon bought a pop up camper that morning so we had to go test it out. Tiff and I have since bought one but at this time do not have it at home yet, just had the hitch attached to the van today. Kurt & I were in charge of the fire & grilling while Tiff & Shannon prepared the rest of the meal. It took us awhile to get the fire going but we managed to get it going and kept it going so the kids could do marshmellows after supper. For supper we had brats, chips & dip, & potatoes, onions, and carrots mixed together. After we ate we sat around the fire and talked until the kids were ready to go to bed. Griffin went right to sleep, but we had to put Maddux & Susie in the van to watch a movie to get them down. After the kids were down we played a game of bags before we went off to sleep. By the way Kurt & I beat Shannon & Tiff. We are planning our next camping trip for August 15 & 16 @ Backbone State Park.